Saturday 3 November 2012

Daily Dose-03.11.2012

1. The famous attack on Somnath temple by Mahmud Ghaznavi was—

(A) Seventeenth

(B) Sixteenth

(C) Fifteenth

(D) Fourteenth

2. “The interests of Mohammad Ghori were not however confined to India.” Who said so?

(A) Dr. Tara Chand

(B) Dr. Iswari Prasad

(C) Dr. V.A. Smith

(D) Moreland

3. ‘Manusmriti’ regards the region lying between the rivers Saraswati and Drishadvati as —

(A) Aryavarta

(B) Brahmavarta

(C) Brahamshridesa

(D) Madhya desha

4. Who was called ‘Lal Bakhs’?

(A) Mahmud Ghaznavi

(B) Tajuddin Yaldez

(C) Qutubuddin Aibak

(D) Nasir-ud-din Qabacha

5. One of the following states of South India which did not accept sovereignty of Alauddin was—

(A) Devagiri

(B) Telingana

(C) Hoysala

(D) Pandya

6. The novel feature of the Mathura school of art was —

(A) Ideal physical beauty

(B) Heavy clothing

(C) Halo around the face

(D) Beauty of eyes

7. Jizyah (Jazia) tax from Brahmans was collected by the Sultan of Delhi—

(A) Balban

(B) Allauddin Khulji

(C) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

(D) Firoz Tughlaq

8. The only conquest of the reign of Jalaluddin Khilji was that of—

(A) Ranthambhaur

(B) Mandawar

(C) Bbilsa

(D) Devagiri

9. During Gupta age, there was no—

(A) Widow Remarriage

(B) Devadasis in temples

(C) Sati system

(D) Purdah system

10. The only conquest of the reign of Jalaluddin Khilji was that of—

(A) Ranthambhaur

(B) Mandawar

(C) Bbilsa

(D) Devagiri

11. The language patronized by the Delhi Sultanate was—

(A) Arabic

(C) Persian

(B) Turki

(D) Urdu

12. Many foreigners were taken in the Indian society during the age of—

(A) The Mauryas

(B) The Kushanas

(C) The Gupta

(D) The Rajputas

13. One of the notable early writers of Hindi was —

(A) Chand Bardai

(C) Namadeva

(B) Amir Khusrau

(D) Nanair

14. Iqtas were—

(A) Military largesse

(B) Administrative convenience

(C) Land grants to Brahmanas

(D) None of these

15. Allaudin Khulji regulated markets—

(A) To maintain large army

(B) To punish the nobles

(C) He was an economist

(D) He believed in smooth administration

16. In the Gupta-period, the most popular deity was—

(A) Buddha

(B) Vishnu

(C) Shiva

(D) Mother goddess

17. The importance of Kayastha Community arose due to their being—

(A) Warriors

(B) Dancers

(C) Account keepers and writers

(D) Judges

18. The Ashram system remained prevalent in ancient India—

(A) Only during the Vedic age

(B) Upto the period of the Mauryas

(C) Upto the period of the Guptas

(D) AU throughout

19. The Mughal bureaucracy lived lavish on—

(A) Large Jagirs

(B) Good payscales

(C) Kharkhanas

(D) Military plunder

20. We know nothing about the trade and industry of the pre-Gupta age from—

(A) The description of Megasthenese

(B) Kautilya’s Arthasastra

(C) The Jatakas

(D) The Puranas

21. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Mutamid Khan Alamgirnama

(B) Amir Khusrau Shahnama

(C) Shahjahan Shahjahanama

(D) Jshwar Das Muntab-ul-labbab

22. When did Taimur invade India?

(A) 1328A.D.

(B) 1398A.D.

(C) 1399A.D.

(D) 1368A.D.

23. Who, among the successive rulers of Hindushahi kingdom did not fight against Mabmud of Ghazni?

(A) Jayapal

(B) Anandapal

(C) Trilochanapal

(D) Bhimpal

24. ‘Fatwa-i-Alamgiri’ is a book on—

(A) Digest of Muslim Law under Aurangzeb’s supervision

(B) Religious decrees of Aurangzeb

(C) Aurangzeb’s autobiography

(D) Aurangzeb’s Law decrees

25. Which of the following was a feature of the style of architecture that the Turks brought with them?

(A) Pilasters

(B) Corbel brackets

(C) Vaults

(D) Ornamental design


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